
EGNOS is owned by European citizens. The European Commission took over ownership of the EGNOS infrastructure from the European Space Agency (ESA) on behalf of the European Union on 1 April 2009. Since 1 January 2014, the exploitation of EGNOS has been fully delegated to the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) by the European Commission.

EGNOS origins

The development of EGNOS is the result of a tripartite agreement between the ESA, the European Commission and Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation. The agreement was signed in June 1998.

EGNOS was initially developed by the EGNOS Operator and Infrastructure Group (EOIG), with the support of the European Commission, the ESA and Eurocontrol, with the ESA having overall responsibility for the design and development of the system.

Operation and exploitation

Since 1 January 2014, upon delegation by the European Commission, the exploitation of EGNOS has been the responsibility of EUSPA.

Updated: Dec 06, 2023