Welcome to the Space Crossroads, where space and great ideas meet

Space Crossroads is a forum for space entrepreneurs and start-ups to share their experience and learn from each other
Space Crossroads is a forum for space entrepreneurs and start-ups to share their experience and learn from each other

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is launching the Space Crossroads, a series of online broadcasts where we will discuss how space is inspiring entrepreneurs and start-ups, enabling new ideas to scale up. The series will feature contributions from industry leaders, experts, investors and big players, who will share their space experience. The format will also allow for Q&As and networking opportunities. Sounds intriguing? Then see you at our first Space Crossroads!

On Thursday 22 April, the GSA will kick off the Space Crossroads, a series dedicated to the people and businesses whose paths keep crossing with space, to discuss how this interaction is enabling the creation of innovative ideas and new businesses and start-ups. 

So, what has inspired the Space Crossroads? Well, in recent years, the GSA has attracted over 600 EU start-ups to participate in the MyGalileoApp, MyGalileoSolution, MyGalileoDrone and other competitions and hackathons. However, winning a competition is only the beginning of a steep learning curve. Ensuring stable revenue is the ultimate dream of all start-ups, and nothing is more important than networking when it comes to getting the first customers on board! 

Through the Space Crossroads, the GSA intends to connect start-ups and entrepreneurs with leaders, experts, investors and big players, creating a supportive environment where new ideas can flourish and move closer to market. Every episode will present exciting new guests and topics. The setting is informal, so grab a coffee and relax in the cosy virtual corner that we have created, where you can interact with speakers and participants. 

Sharing best practices

The Space Crossroads series offers a platform where a virtual community of GSA-incubated start-ups and entrepreneurs can share experiences and best practices to help new ideas and innovation thrive. In the series, GSA start-ups and others can meet, ask questions, receive feedback, learn from each other and make valuable connections.

Read this: Galileo means business for SMEs and start-ups!

The Space Crossroads community consist of two different channels, a Slack group where members can exchange information at any time; and a series of virtual webcasts organized every other Thursday by the GSA with the contribution of a rich line up of guests.  The Slack group, which will be moderated by the GSA, will be the place to ask questions and share experiences.  

Topic focused

The series will be available to registered Space Crossroads members, every week you will receive in your inbox a link to the agenda of the next meeting and a log-in to the webcast. The webcasts are chaired by the GSA and feature a calendar of topics and guests, creating a virtual crossroads where ideas and people meet and travel on to new horizons. The registration will be soon available on this page.

The topics and dates of the first four webcasts are: 

To see the full draft programme of upcoming webcasts, click here.  

Sneak peek

In the first episode we will start strong to finish even stronger. We will address the elephant in the room for every start-up: how start-ups and young entrepreneurs can get their foot in the door of big companies and create opportunities for cooperation, and how to market and pitch to large corporations.

We will discuss these and other points with our first guest: Ed Parsons from Google. Ed Parsons is a Geospatial Technologist at Google, a member of the Board of Directors of the Open Geospatial Consortium, a Visiting Professor at University College London and, previously, a successful entrepreneur. Join us next Thursday, 22 April, to learn more!

The webcasts will be available through a webex link. Mark your calendars, this is something you certainly do not want to miss!

Media note: This feature can be republished without charge provided the European GNSS Agency (GSA) is acknowledged as the source at the top or the bottom of the story. You must request permission before you use any of the photographs on the site. If you republish, we would be grateful if you could link back to the GSA website (http://www.gsa.europa.eu).