Galileo MEOSAR RLS Improvement for Better Civil Aviation Security

Funding programme
Horizon Europe

Project Details

EUSPA Project Officer
Carmen Aguilera
Total Cost
EU Contributions
Project Call
Contract Number
Background & objectives

Recent drama in civil aviation leading to losses of several aircrafts have shown an incapacity of quickly dispatching rescue means for potential survivals, and a surprising incapacity of determining the position of the aircrafts wreck, generating major researches expenses.

GRICAS proposes to develop a safety concept based on an innovative use of Galileo SAR service for a maximum rescue effectiveness. It includes the development of NG Beacons, innovative MEOLUT that optimizes the position accuracy even for high dynamic beacons, a new RLS employment concept, and associated In-flight beacon activations triggers when detecting abnormal flight situations.

Based on key regulation S&R players within the consortium (CNES, BEA, DGAC), GRICAS is a unique opportunity to bring to the fore one of the essential Galileo differentiator compared to other GNSS, decisively contributing to the aviation safety.

With the innovations developed in GRICAS, Galileo will get a recognized service differentiator for the European Citizen Safety in aircrafts.


GRICAS  proposes  to  develop  an  integrated  aeronautical  solution  aiming  at  reinforcing  the  civil  aviation safety. The system  relies  on an innovative use of the  full  potentialities  of  Galileo SAR service. The  overall solution comprises 3 products on which specific business plans can be built.