What is GNSS

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) refers to any satellite constellation that provides global positioning, navigation, and timing services.

Several GNSS are currently available:

  • Galileo (EU)
  • GPS (USA)
  • GLONASS (Russia)
  • BeiDou (China)

Using signals from space, each of these systems transmits ranging and timing data to GNSS-enabled receivers, which then use this data to determine location.

Assessing and improving performance

GNSS performance is assessed using four criteria:

  1. Accuracy: the difference between a receiver’s measured and real position, speed or time.
  2. Integrity: a system’s capacity to provide a threshold of confidence and, in the event of an anomaly in the positioning data, an alarm.
  3. Continuity: a system’s ability to function without interruption.
  4. Availability: the percentage of time a signal fulfils the above accuracy, integrity and continuity criteria.

This performance can be improved using regional Satellite-based Augmentation Systems (SBAS), such as the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS).

Importance of GNSS in our economy

According to EUSPA EO and GNSS Market Report global revenues from GNSS and EO stood at approximately €260 billion and €3.4 billion, respectively, as of 2023. By 2033 GNSS global revenues are expected to reach €580 billion, with services enabled by GNSS devices generating more than 80% of total GNSS revenues. Furthermore, global GNSS shipments will hit 2 billion units per year by 2027, GNSS devices forecasted to reach nearly 9 billion by 2033.

Revenues from GNSS components and receivers, system integrators and software / added-value services are predominantly generated by companies based in the US and Europe. The US maintains the largest portion of the market (over 30%), followed closely by Europe (almost 25%).

Check the EUSPA EO and GNSS Market Report to learn more about the impact that the GNSS have on the worldwide economy.

